Studio Wesley Live

Studio Wesley Live is a series that gives mental health professionals a space to discuss varying topics on mental health and wellness as they relate to college aged young adults.

The Parent Role in Mental Health and Wellness with Krispin Mayfield

Krispin Mayfield, author of Attached to God: A Practical Guide to Deeper Spiritual Experience, discussed the parent role of mental health and wellness as it relates to college age young adults.

Mental Health and Religious Trauma with Connie Baker

Connie Baker, author of "Traumatized by Religious Abuse," discusses her story, and how we can avoid further harming those who have been hurt by the church Derrick and Allison.

Gen Z and Mental Health with Josh Packard

Josh Packard, the Executive Director of Springtide Research Institute, joins Derrick and Allison for a discuss on making mental health friendly spaces for Gen Z.

The Intersection of Faith and Mental Health with David Finnegan-Hosey

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David Finnegan-Hosey, the author of Christ on the Psych Ward and Grace is a Pre-Existing Condition: Faith, Systems, and Mental Healthcare, joined Derrick and Allison for a conversation on his story and the intersection of faith and mental health.