A cohort is a mental health module curated by campus ministers and students on our design team. Each cohort has been created to inform on different topics within the world of mental health and wellness. The cohorts meet one hour a week to inform and raise awareness through content delivery and community discussion. Read the information down below to learn more about each type of cohort!
Mental Health Overview
This cohort is designed to accommodate 4 to 12 college aged young adults. It provides students with eight one hour sessions aimed to inform on different topics within the world of mental health and wellness. It will meet once a week to inform and raise awareness through content delivery and community discussion.
Session 1: Introduction
Session 2: Self Understanding
Session 3: Impact of Family History
Session 4: Understanding Mental Illness and Support Systems
Session 5: Defining Trauma
Session 6: Spiritual Harm and Trauma
Session 7: Peer Support
Session 8: Tools for the Journey
Peer Support
This cohort is designed to accommodate 4 to 12 college aged young adults. It provides students with six one hour sessions aimed to inform on different aspects of peer support. It will meet once a week and each session will include new content and community discussion.
Session 1: Introduction
Session 2: Defining Peer Support
Session 3: Support Networks
Session 4: What is My Role?
Info on our next cohort to be announced!
Join us for our next Peer Support cohort starting March 8th! We will meet every Wednesday at 4 pm for one hour!